September 9, 2009

Just Getting Started

My name is James Smith and I want to welcome you to my blog. For those of you who know me personally, you are probably shocked that I am finally blogging, but I finally broke down and started this blog so that I can stay in touch with the great people that I meet nationwide.

If you do not know me, allow me to introduce myself. I am a real estate investor, speaker and trainer. I am a featured speaker for Get Motivated and hold several Financial Success Conferences a month. I put a tremendous amount of effort into making the Financial Success Conference a high energy, informative and innovative event.

During the 3 day event, investors learn dozens of advanced strategies about how to build wealth quickly and efficiently. Make no mistake, this is not a “get rich quick” conference. My team and I teach people how to systematically build wealth by through real estate, stock, currency and especially self-directed retirement accounts.

A realization that hit me a while back is that in life you are ultimately taking two risks; either you take the risk of becoming financially independent or you take the risk that someone else’s attempt to do so will employ you long enough for you to retire.

Financial independence starts with a belief – a belief that you are no different from the men and women who grace the pages of Forbes. You have to believe without a doubt that the only obstacle that has held you back is your own lack of knowledge about how to succeed.

If you have this uncommon belief, then I can equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed. If you do not have this belief, then I hate to say it, but nothing shy of the lottery will give you the independence that you think you want.

In the coming weeks, my team and I are going to build out a library of free downloadable tutorials to help you get started ( When you are ready to kick it into over drive, give my company a call and let us train you one-on-one!

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